Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Thursday, April 2 12:18

Post #1.

Well this is awkward.

I'm going to try my best not to be one of those"cliché" fitness blogs (if I can), mainly because I'm the little bitch (excuse my French) that sits at home complaining about how pretentious and fake they are.

"Just get off your arse you daft thing and go for a run"
"Of course your not going to lose weight starving yourself, your body thinks it's in famine"
"You'd need to eat a celery farm to make a difference"

I'm being a hypocrite sitting in my room right now typing this bull about how I'm going to change my lifestyle and get healthy for once in my life, and I'll be the first one to admit that! In all honesty I've seen this apparent "health kick" become an annual occurrence in my life often circling around the period between V-DAY and my b-day. I blame it solely on my lack of self control.

But less of the whiney "poor me" attitude, I'm already rambling! 
(Also, I see a lot of inverted commas.. Maybe I do have a sarcasm issue)

Let's get down to business, shall we?
I'm a First Year college student, and with that comes the hectic lifestyle of a fresher student and let me tell you I've lived the college life up to the extent that my body openly shares it's hate for me and I've no one to hold accountable for it but myself. 
Hence,  I have created a number of accounts on various media outputs to hold myself accountable and maybe help someone else along the way. It's my own kind of social experiment I suppose.
(You can follow me on INSTA: k_gettingfit)

SO, over the last two years I reached my optimum weight/tone/fitness level and then once I started college I just presumed I'd keep it up. HA! Like that happened. I rested in my laurels, and let my calorie intake greatly out-weigh my calorie output. A rookie mistake, I know. But you try stay under 8 stone when there's 3 nights-out a week and 5 euro takeaways! 

Slowly but surely my metabolism returned to it's original snails-paced speed and the hefty spare tyre raised it's head once again just below my once chiselled waistline.

I suffered greatly with my weight as a child and I could just never seem to shift it. Then one summer it all started to just fall off as I cut my portion sizes to half and upped my exercise game over the long boring summer months. I've never felt as good about myself; physically, mentally, spiritually and health-wise. And now with the long summer months stretching out ahead of me and bikini dawning opportunities in their midst, I'm ready to get back to being the 2.0 version of me.

As a step in the right direction I opted for mainly healthy meals today (which I posted to my IG) and yet again failed to exercise. I plan on going full blast tomorrow however waking up to a quick routine before brekkie and then seeing the whole healthy thing out through the whole day. (I slipped up today with a magnum and a pack of crisps)

That's all from me for now, reading that post is exercise in itself! 
At the end of each post i'll insert my daily intakes/outputs. This is more for my accountability than anything else! 

Thanks for reading and well, let's see how it goes!


Porridge with wheat bran, banana and 1/2 tablespoon of Nutella
Home-made steak strip "burritos"
Granny smith with dips of crunchy peanut butter and Nutella
Multi-grain rice cakes (2-one with a scraping of Nutella)

Strawberry magnum
Walkers ready salted


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